Don`t miss the Webinar on our LL.M. Programme in Public International Law!

Learn all about our 1-year Master`s programme in cooperation with the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) & get a chance to ask all your questions to our academic and administrative staff!

  • Hybrid teaching (either on-site in Vienna or online)
  • experience the UN work environment
  • build relations with UN experts
  • tailormade UN career development sessions
  • support and access to entry points into the UN system

When? March 21th, 2pm
Where? Online (link will be sent after registration)
Registration via email:


Fakultät für Rechtswissenschaften
Lassallestraße 3, 6. Stock,
A – 1020 Wien
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Studien Service Center
Tel: +43 (0)1 90 500 70 1680