Regular group self-awareness sessions focussing on your own body, taking place until June 2024.
The first session of the series is on Monday, 20 November 2023, 2pm – 4pm | Freudplatz 1, room 4014. 

  • For all students of the Faculty of Psychotherapy Science, in English
  • Credit for „Doing Research“ possible
  • Recommended: comfortable clothing, blankets can be brought along

As the number of participants is limited to 15, please register with and/or

About the Workshop

Our body plays a vital role in the process of healing, personal growth and intrapersonal relationships, as is recognised by an increasing number of psychotherapeutic approaches. Our experiential workshop is designed to tap into the body’s innate wisdom and learn how to utilize one’s natural resources when facing daily challenges. Instead of relying solely on cognitive analysis, or trying to supress unwanted feelings, we listen to the intricate sensations in the body, the very channels though which our emotions are expressed.

As we trace these sensations throughout our inner landscapes, we begin to notice their nuances and their ever-changing nature, prompting us explore different ways in which they can be both influenced and expressed by bodily posture, movement, breath and sound. For both therapist and clients, these practices can become valuable tools of self-care and regulation, as they oftentimes bring forth a sense of safety, belonging and connection with the environment.

About the Trainers

Maja Zilih, MSc
Maja is the founder of Sensit Yoga Somatics system, which integrates yoga with embodied movement modalities such as Body-Mind Centering, Continuum and Feldenkrais. She holds yoga classes and courses on embodied anatomy, advanced training programs for yoga teachers, workshops and yoga retreats in Austria and Greece.

Univ.-Ass. Mag. Birgitta Schiller
Birgitta is psychotherapist for Individual Psychology (Alfred Adler). Both in her clinical work and as a research assistant at the Institute for Qualitative Psychotherapy Research and the Institute for Psychosomatics at Sigmund Freud Private University, the focus is on the body in psychotherapy.