On December 13, 2024, graduates of the Bachelor’s and Master’s programmes in Psychology at SFU Vienna (German and International Programmes) and SFU Linz celebrated their achievements in a festive ceremony. The event was held in SFU’s Banquet Hall at Freudplatz 1, attended by distinguished faculty members including Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Alfred Pritz, Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Gerhard Benetka, Ass.-Prof. MMag. Dr. Stefan Hampl und Ass.-Prof. Dr. Dominik Mihalits, MSc.

SFU extends heartfelt congratulations to all graduates on this milestone accomplishment!

Bachelor Graduation Ceremony

Master Graduation Ceremony

More pictures are available at Picture Galleries – Graduation Ceremonies Psychology.

Faculty of Psychology
Sigmund Freud Private University Vienna
Freudplatz 1, 5th floor
A – 1020 Vienna
Tel: +43 1 798 40 98 532
Email: psychology@sfu.ac.at
Web: https://psychologie.sfu.ac.at/en