Diplom-Wirtschaftswissenschaftlerin Ulrike Berlenbach

Diplom-Wirtschaftswissenschaftlerin Ulrike Berlenbach

Faculty Psychology
E-mail ub@brandingmedia.de
Location Berlin

Field of work

Lecturer in psychological skills


Ulrike Berlenbach is active as consultant, economist, manager more than 20 years (nationwide, internationally) in groups, small business and medium-sized companies.
As a lecturer, among other things in the University of Technology of Berlin, she teaches economy, communication, marketing and applied media.
She leads staff and organisations with coaching and design communication accompanying continuing education: Education as "Executive Coach" & "Executive Trainer“, certified at V.I.E.L. Hamburg, certification dvct, certificates in Nonviolent Com, crisis communication.
She works with groups and individuals on Crisis Management and Career. She is intercultural, polyglot.