Dr. Isack Malamusi

Dr. Isack Malamusi

Faculty Psychotherapy Science
E-mail malamusimoya@yahoo.com
Location Vienna

Field of work



Dr. Moya A. Malamusi, cultural anthropologist, born in Blantyre, Malawi. Ph.D. 2004 at the University of Vienna with a work on the nyau masked secret society in south-east Africa. Resident of Austria since 1984. Intensive field research in south-central Africa since 1979 with a focus on oral literature, traditional healing practice, music and dance. Field trips to Brazil and the southern United States. Lecture tours across Africa, Europe, Brazil and the United States. Research fellowship at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York in 1993; Rockefeller stipend 1997 of the Center for Black Music Research, Chicago. Numerous publications in scientific journals of Europe, South Africa etc.