(19.11.2020) Psychology and Social Criticism recently published the booklet “Methods and Social Criticism”, edited by Markus Brunner, Katharina Hametner and Markus Wrbouschek. Among other things, the booklet contains an article written with the help of two graduates of SFU’s Bachelor programme in Psychology. Abstracts can be found at www.psychologie-aktuell.com.
Furthermore, Psychology and Social Criticism has published the booklet “Critical Migration Research”, edited by Katharina Hametner, together with Susanne Benzel. The abstracts are available at www.psychologie-aktuell.com.
Within the framework of the research cluster “Ressentiment and Change Potential in Europe – RECHANGE “, led by Prof. Becker, the text “Haltung bewahren! Ressentiment als verkörpertes, implizit-morales Urteil” by Markus Wrbouschek, Natalie Rodax, Katharina Hametner, Sara Paloni & Nora Ruck was published in the Journal für Psychologie.
All publications with SFU affiliation since 2010 can be found (chronologically sorted) in the SFU Publication Database.