The Austrian Science Fund FWF expands the range of funded international research stays for young researchers covered by the Erwin-Schrödinger-Program
We would like to draw your attention to the recently extended range of supported programs for young researchers in their postdoc phase offered within the framework of the Erwin-Schrödinger-Program.
In order to provide more comprehensive support to young researchers (postdocs) in all scientific disciplines working in Austria and to give them the opportunity to work at leading foreign research institutions, the Austrian Science Fund FWF is expanding the range of funded international research stays. In addition to funding travel costs to international conferences, which has already been covered in the past, in the future funding will also be provided for coaching and/or personnel development measures, project-specific training programs, summer and/or winter schools, and also project-specific necessary purchases of small equipment.
More detailed information about the requirements, duration, amount of the grants as well as the application procedure can be found here.