FEPTO RC Meeting from 10th -13th of October 2019 at the Sigmund Freud University in Vienna

This meeting will look at different ways how research in psychodrama can be conducted.

Different quantitative and qualitative methods will be presented and discussed.
The general aim of this meeting is to support scientific work and research activities in psychodrama in different professional areas of practice.

DOWNLOAD: FEPTO_RC_Vienna_2019_programme (pdf)


Researchers and practitioners, students/ trainees and trainers in psychodrama and everybody who is interested in psychodrama research is invited to join our meeting. Please feel free to forward this information to colleagues and trainees who might be interested to participate. Master or doctoral students are also very welcomed to join us.


If you want to participate, please send a confirmation email to: hannes.krall@aau.at

The RC Meeting is supported by FEPTO, therefore no participation fee is required. Costs for guided tours or participation in an excursion, lunch, dinner etc. are covered by the participants themselves.

The goal of our RC Meetings is to support scientific work and research activities in psychodrama on different levels. As a community of learners in research we want to propose a better integration of scientific work and research in our psychodrama training curricula and to support training of trainers in scientific writing and research.

In our RC Meeting we also want to deepen our research cooperation and networks by working on research designs, research tools, processes and results in applied psychodrama research. In our meeting there will be time for presenting and discussing research projects, creating research ideas and sharing research experiences. And finally, we want to think about publishing our studies in order to share it with our psychodrama community and beyond.

LOC Local Organizing Committee:

Many thanks to our local hosts. They will be available for any further question regarding accommodation and travelling.

Susanne Schulze: servus_susanne.schulze@drei.at
Babsi Geml: babsi@geml.at

If you have any questions regarding accommodation or travelling, you can always contact them.

Chair of FEPTO RC
Dr. Johannes Krall, ao. Univ.-Prof.
Institute of Educational Sciences and Research (IfEB) Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt
E-mail: hannes.krall@aau.at
Tel. ++43 463/2700-1244

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