We are happy to announce that SFU takes part in an EU funded project under the title

iFEMPOWER: Interactive and mentorship based FEMale emPOWERment in the field of entrepreneurship” .

The 3-year long project is coordinated by Dr. Erzsébet Fanni Tóth at Sigmund Freud University, and is implemented under Erasmus+  programme KA2: Strategic partnership in the field of Higher Education. The project iFEMPOWER seeks to empower female university students to get engaged in self-employment and entrepreneurship especially.

The project is starting with an in-depth research on female entrepreneurs in each partner country based on personal interviews and focus groups. This will analyse the current situation and challenges faced by female entrepreneurs. Then an international curriculum for a complex module will be developed by partners gathered from three pillars of the knowledge triangle, i.e. businesses, business support organizations, the academia and universities.

The module will support university students from any fields to broaden their knowledge on entrepreneurship related topics with a special regard to work life balance. It will also provide hands-on training improving both hard and soft skills. Partner universities will test the curriculum, namely the Corvinus University of Budapest (Hungary), Sigmund Freud University (Vienna), Bifröst University (Iceland) and Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania (Romania).

The project represents and innovative and participatory approach by providing mentorship programme for students by connecting them to entrepreneurs. iFEMPOWER will also launch personal consultancy to provide further support for their engagement through the female entrepreneurship counselling points launched at each partner institution. Moreover, through an online toolkit all developed materials and necessary information will be accessible.

Dr. Erzsebet Toth