Online Expert Meeting on: Femicide Observatories and Psychological Violence against Women, especially Mothers
… organized by UNODC, NGOs and SFU (Karin Bruckmüller und Kristina Altrichter | Law Faculty).
The objectives of the meeting, which will be held in English, are to discuss:
(1) the significance of
(a) data collection of cases of femicide and gender-based violence,
including psychological violence;
(b) the adoption and implementation of tailor-made policies in this regard;
(c) the establishment of Femicide Observatories at the national level; and
(2 ) lessons learned from existing efforts to combat femicide and psychological violence.
Moderation of the meeting and opening remarks by Amb. Luis Javier CAMPUZANO PIÑA,
Permanent Representative of Mexico to the United Nations (Vienna)
Alma Zadic, Federal Minister of Justice of Austria – video recorded message
Elena Kountoura, Member of the European Parliament
Mirjana Grandits, Senior Academic Advisor, University of Vienna
Mirella Dummar Frahi, Chief of UNODC’s Civil Society Unit, Vienna
Barbara Rothmüller, Sociologist, Sigmund Freud University
Thomas Beck, Clinical Psychologist, Department of Medical Psychology, Medical University Innsbruck
Jeanne Sarson and Linda McDonald, Independent Scholars, Human Rights Educators and Defenders, Canada
Anna Alvazzi del Frate, Chair, Alliance of NGOs on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice
Concluding remarks by Amb. Julia Emma VILLATORO TARIO, Permanent Representative of El Salvador to the United Nations (Vienna)
Date: 24.11.2021
Hours: 19:00-20:30