The alignment and further development of the quality management system (QMS) at the Sigmund Freud Private University are based on the requirements of accreditation and other legal frameworks as well as the mission statement including the development plan of the SFU.

The Quality Management Unit (QM) aims to develop, support and improve quality assurance processes. The self-responsibility of all relevant stakeholders is taken into account and encouraged.

The Sigmund Freud Private University is characterised by a multidisciplinary and international environment. Appreciation of the respective work experience and expertise is therefore crucial for the successful cooperation of all interest groups. Through professional exchange, employees and the organisation can benefit from each other. In order to promote a sustainable organisational culture and to determine priorities, the QM works closely with the Rectorate, Senate, Faculties, Departments and all other relevant stakeholders across all sites of implementation. Regular dialogue, joint discussion and coordination based on internal guidelines are important and crucial in order to design the necessary measures, instruments and processes in a resource-efficient and sustainable manner.

Areas of responsibility

  • Further development of a sustainable university-wide quality management system
  • Assistance in accreditation procedures and fulfilment of accreditation requirements as well as external reporting (e.g. coordination and editing of the annual report)
  • Conception, implementation and further development of measures in the areas of studies and teaching, research and administration, among others:
    • quality objectives, indicators and key figures
    • evaluation
    • reporting
    • curriculum development


Quality Management
Sigmund Freud Private University
6th floor, room 6012
Freudplatz 1
1020 Vienna
Tel: +43 1 798 4098 601

Mag. (FH) Kerstin Schörg
Tel: +43 1 798 4098 602
E-Mail: kerstin.schö

Katharina Prazuch, BA MA

Dominik Drexel, PhD
Tel: +43 664 88287901

Cengiz Kulac, BA MA
Tel: +43 664 88287 902

Jerry Sakiman, BSc

Guides and Resources

Guides and resources are available by submitting a request to the Quality Management Unit (