Safeguarding good scientific practice (GWP) and dealing with suspected cases of scientific misconduct at the SFU: Ombudspersons and investigative commission
Scientific integrity and good scientific practice are indispensable premises of scientific work and collaboration. They are prerequisites for the reputation of researchers and research institutions, but above all for the trust placed in them by society. The performance of scientific work in all disciplines is therefore subject to generally applicable and, in some cases, subject-specific legal regulations and ethical standards. The increase and acceleration of information, the intensification of competition and output-orientation and the resulting pressure on active scientists harbour the danger that scientific integrity and good scientific practice may be consciously or unconsciously neglected or subordinated in everyday working life. In order to counter this danger and to affirm the high scientific integrity of its staff, the Sigmund Freud Private University is committed to the principles formulated in the following Code of Good Scientific Practice in accordance with international standards.
Codex for safeguarding good scientific practice and dealing with suspected cases of scientific misconduct at SFU
Download: SFU Kodex GWP-E (pdf)
Resolution by the Rektorat: 07.11.2023
Resolution by the University Council: 14.11.2023
Resolution by the Senat: 17.11.2023
All members and affiliates of the Sigmund Freud Private University, including its locations can turn to the Ombudsperson in questions of good scientific practice, but also on suspected scientific misconduct. suspected scientific misconduct to the ombudsperson. The ombudspersons provide advice on issues of good scientific practice and suspected cases of scientific misconduct. Enquiries are accepted confidentially.
Dr. Markus Brunner
Ombudspersons for good scientific practice
Freudplatz 1, 1020 Vienna
Dr. Kate Sheese
Deputy Ombudsperson
Freudplatz 1, 1020 Vienna
If there is sufficient suspicion of an offence, the ombudsperson will turn the preliminary examination into a formal investigation, which will be conducted by the investigating committee. This is composed as follows:
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Stephan Steiner
Vertretung: Ass.-Prof. Dr. Andrea Jesser
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Sylvia Hartl
Vertretung: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Otto Burghuber
Ass.-Prof. Dr. Anna Schor-Tschudnowskaja
Vertretung: Dr. Markus Wrbouschek
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Konrad Lachmayer
Vertretung: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Max Leitner