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Das an der Sigmund Freud PrivatUniversität angesiedelte „Institut für transkulturelle und historische Forschung“ beschäftigt sich mit inter- und transkulturellen sowie postkolonialen Fragestellungen, mit mentalitätsgeschichtlichen, kulturwissenschaftlichen und philosophischen Grundlagen der Psychotherapiewissenschaft und der Geschichte der Psychotherapie.

Drei Mal im Semester findet ein Jour fixe statt, der ein Diskussionsforum für Gastvorträge, SFU-Projekte und studentische Forschung bieten soll. Der Jour fixe wendet sich an alle Interessierte, externe Besucherinnen und Besucher sind ausdrücklich willkommen. Die Veranstaltungen finden bei freiem Eintritt statt.

Zum zweiten Jour fixe im Sommersemester 2019 freuen wir uns auf einen Vortrag in Englisch mit Mariia Lenherr / Lecture in English:

Ménage à trois: Psychoanalysis, Literature, and Dreams
A case study of the novel “The Museum of Abandoned Secrets” by Oksana Zabuzhko

Termin: Dienstag 2. April 2019, 18:30 Uhr
Ort: SFU Freudplatz 1, 1020 Wien | Raum: 1002
Eintritt frei.

In this lecture the findings of a three years Ph.D. project on a psychoanalytic exegesis of the mentioned novel are presented.

First, we take a look at reading and writing as creative processes, then we scrutinize the idea of ‘being a writer’ and a writer as a representative of a large group. Second, we reflect upon the dreams depicted in the novel and their relation to the truth drive, suggested by Bion. We conclude with some reflections on the place and role of so-called ‘testimony literature’ in the modern cultural landscape.

The author of the novel states that the function of her book is to restore the broken connections between times and generations. After the experiences made in the 20th century, it is of special importance to understand the phenomenon of transgenerational transmitted trauma and the repercussions it might still have in the unconsciousness of each of us. Zabuzhko’s book invites us to think about it in a novel way.

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die Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter des Instituts für transkulturelle und historische Forschung
Fakultät Psychotherapiewissenschaft | Sigmund Freud PrivatUniversität

Zur Person:

Mariia Lenherr
received a Master’s Degree in Psychology in Kyiv, Ukraine and Master’s Degree in Psychotherapy Science in Vienna, Austria. She is a licensed psychoanalyst in a private praxis. Currently, she works on her Ph.D. dissertation and conducts a Study Reflection Group at Sigmund Freud University Vienna. Her fields of professional interests include the depressive spectrum, dreams analysis, and group dynamics. Her latest book published in 2018 is dedicated to the case study of Orthorexia Nervosa.