To learn more about studying Psychotherapy Science at Sigmund Freud University Vienna, join us for our online information event.

Where & When? ONLINE on 23rd August, 2 pm CET

Please register by sending an email to Mag.pth. Ioana Anghel-Pirich at or use the form below. You will then receive the link and password for the online meeting. Limited number of participants! 

Registration form

In the information event we will provide all necessary information on our Psychotherapy Science programme at SFU, the requirements and the application process – and answer all your questions. All courses in the programmes are offered in English.

What makes studying Psychotherapy Science at SFU Vienna so special?

  • Individual support & mentoring
  • Studying in small groups
  • Personal contact with lecturers
  • Early involvement in research projects
  • Practical relevance from the 1st semester
  • Direct access to patients at SFU’s Outpatient Clinic
  • The course contents meet all training requirements for licensed psychotherapists in Austria
  • Study programmes offered in English or German

Upcoming online info events: coming soon