Introduced by two witty laudatory speeches by Reinhold Popp and Michael Musalek, the commemorative publication and an extensive film with numerous contributions and anecdotes from psychotherapy greats and other companions were presented at the ceremony at the end of October.

The retrospective not only honoured formative milestones such as the World Federation for Psychotherapy or the founding of the SFU, but also the outstanding personality behind these achievements.

Picture Gallery

Fotos: Jana Madzigon

“People at the Centre” – Commemorative Publication for Alfred Pritz

Alfred Pritz is an important psychoanalyst far beyond the German-speaking world, a pioneer of psychotherapy science and Rector of the Sigmund Freud Private University.

In 30 articles in German and English, colleagues and personalities from the fields of science, health and social work reconstruct selected aspects of his impressive life’s work.

Available from the SFU Shop (in German):