A chair on the table, with a paper towel and an apple on the top of it, can be very disruptive in a meeting room full of professors of economics, management and sociology.
Having to face the effects of peer pressure on achievement in a simple task and then admitting own failure in a group, where they presented themselves as international experts are such eye-opening experiences, which could stay with the participants for a long time, even if the details of project management are long gone.
SFU researchers in Seville
In the framework of the iFEMPOWER Erasmus+ project, SFU faculty member Dr. Erzsébet Fanni Tóth and Mirjana Frankovic, PhD candidate at the International PhD programme at SFU presented how the incorporation of self-awareness could contribute to the future success of female university students who are considering entrepreneurship. The 4-day-long intensive staff training and multiplication event took place on the spectacular premises of the former Sevilla Expo in Andalusia, Spain.
Participants from Iceland, Germany, Romania, Portugal, Spain, Hungary and Austria were elaborating the curriculum on gendered aspects of entrepreneurship, experimented with the diverse training methodology, and discussed the framework of the mentoring programme and the international summer and winter schools.
During the discussions they also focused on questions how not to deepen the already huge gap between male and female entrepreneurs by implementing a curriculum for female students; the importance of male-female dialogue for improving the current situation of female entrepreneurs in various countries, and the necessity of female role models in all professions and on all levels of the hierarchy (especially in the C-suite), etc.
Femspace, the affiliated Austrian partner of SFU supporting the communication of the programme was also invited to the multiplication event. Along with 10 presentations by experts working in the field of supporting female entrepreneurs in Spain, Finland, Iceland, Hungary, Sweden and Romania they reflected on their experiences of organising skills training and international mentorship programmes in Vienna. The presentations about how to capture the entrepreneurial potential of women are available here.
Background information and regular updates on the iFEMPOWER project can be found at www.ifempower.eu.
If you have questions on the project, do not hesitate to get in touch.
SFU Contact:
Dr. Erzsebet Toth
Members of the iFEMPOWER partnership:
Andalucía Emprende (ES)
Oneco Consulting S.L. (ES)
Sigmund Freud PrivatUniversität Wien (AT)
Sociedade Portuguesa de Inovaçao (PT)
Bifröst University (IS)
Corvinus University of Budapest (HU)
Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania (RO)
Steinbeis GmbH & Co.KG Technologietransfer (DE)
+ the following associated partners:
Lean in Femspace (AT)
PONT Group (RO)
Icelandic Directorate of Labour (IS)