Faculty Medicine
michael.smola@med.sfu.ac.atLocation Vienna
Field of work
Associate Professor for Innovation Research
Geboren in Graz, Studium der Medizin in Graz und Innsbruck, Promotion 1981; Facharzt für Allgemeinchirurgie 1989 (Med. Univ. Graz/MUG); a.o. Professur 1996 (MUG); assoz. Professor für Innovation/Research SFU Wien 2018 (establishing SFU Research Center); Präsident der ACO/ASSO 1992-1994; founding and executive member World Federation Surgical Oncology Societies (WFSOS) 1992 Royal Society of Medicine, London; honorary secretary (2006-2011), elected WFSOS President 2011; Herausgeber des ACO Manuals der Chirurgischen Krebstherapie (Springer Verlag) 1999, von ACO Consensus Berichten (Brust, Magen, Dickdarm); Mitautor von European Guidelines in breast cancer; 242 original papers, abstracts, book chapters, 320 oral presentations, 52 invited chairs & lectures (international).