The current issue of the journal “Psychologie in Österreich” (Psychology in Austria) highlights giftedness and high sensitivity and features two articles by staff of the Child Psychology Centre at Sigmund Freud University: 

Holocher-Benetka, S. (2021)
On the Construct of the Highly Sensitive Personality According to Aron (1997): A Critical Debate and Practical Implications. Psychologie in Österreich, 42(2), 107-112.

Andrich, J. M. & Kandil, E.-M. (2021)
Hyperresponsitivity, Giftedness, and Behavioral Problems – An Empirical Study.
Psychologie in Österreich, 42(2), 114-122.

Psychology in Austria (PIÖ) is the journal of the Professional Association of Austrian Psychologists (BÖP). It publishes scientific papers and reports from practice that meet scientific criteria and represent the diversity of the field of psychology, as well as interviews with experts.