Establishment of an international research cluster at the SFU Faculty of Psychology
In December 2019 a team of 10 scholars from different SFU branches presented the foundation of the international research cluster “Ressentiment and Change Potential in Europe (RECHANGE)”.
RECHANGE sets a strategic focus on ressentiment research from a psychosocial perspective to gain insights in how social and political changes affect people psychologically and vice versa how psychic-affective processes determine social and political (trans-)formation processes. Its theoretical-methodical approaches and its empirical work are guided by interdisciplinary collaborations with sociology, history, political science, peace and conflict studies and crossovers such as gender and intersectionality studies.
RECHANGE pursues three objectives:
- To empirically reconstruct ressentiments as psychosocial phenomenon
- To contribute innovative approaches to ressentiment-theories from an interdisciplinary perspective
- To develop and implement practice approaches for transforming emotions in conflicts
Head of Research Cluster
Prof. Dr. David Becker (SFU Berlin)
Research Cluster & Communication Manager Sara Paloni
We are currently developing collaborations with the University of Vienna, University of Tel Aviv, University College Dublin and Ulster University Northern Ireland. We are applying for competitive third-party funding. The cluster supports additional funding applications through the cluster management and the Research Service of the SFU.
If you would like to get in touch with RECHANGE and for further information, please contact the research cluster & communication manager Sara Paloni.
T +43-1-798 40 98-683
Faculty of Psychology
Sigmund Freud University
Freudplatz 1
A-1020 Vienna