We are delighted that the interdisciplinary research project ‘Vienna Mobility Climate’ has received funding from the City of Vienna. In this project, psychological and legal aspects of everyday mobility practices of Viennese citizens are analysed and related to the perception and acceptance of legal control measures in the mobility sector.
Project leaders & contact:
Ass.Prof.in Dr.in Katharina Hametner (katharina.hametner@sfu.ac.at), Prof. Dr. Konrad Lachmayer (konrad.lachmayer@jus.sfu.ac.at) & Dr. Markus Wrbouschek (markus.wrbouschek@sfu.ac.at)
Project description
The interdisciplinary research project ‘Vienna Mobility Climate’ is located at the interface of psychology and law. It deals with the everyday mobility practices of Viennese people and their experience of climate-related legal mobility control. Mobility practices are related to the respective social situation, which is why – in order to contribute to a climate-friendly mobility transition – the interactions between conditions of social inequality, legal control measures and concrete mobility practices must be specifically analysed.
In this sense, the research project aims to reconstruct a typology of everyday mobility practices of Viennese people. Subjective experiences of concrete mobility management measures are analysed against the background of the specific social situation in each case. In this way, the research project aims to identify the conditions for the acceptance of climate-friendly mobility management measures and to provide the City of Vienna with an in-depth scientific basis.
Group discussions with young adults in Vienna will be conducted to identify the mobility practices of Viennese people and their experience of concrete control measures. The analysis of these discussions will be used to develop recommendations for action for a climate-friendly mobility transition in the urban area, taking into account the eco-social challenges for the city of Vienna.
- Project Description (PDF, in German)
- A project overview is available here.