Faculty Psychology
jvalsiner@gmail.comLocation Vienna
Field of work
Developmental and cultural psychology. Epistemology of psychology. Interdisciplinary synthesis of ideas.
Jaan Valsiner, born in Estonia, is a cultural psychologist with a consistently developmental axiomatic base, resulting in Cultural Psychology of Semiotic Dynamics. Back in 1995 he founded the Sage journal, Culture & Psychology and also edits Integrative Psychological & Behavioral Science (Springer). He has been awarded major research prizes in Europe-- the Alexander von Humboldt Prize of 1995 and the Hans-Kilian-Preis of 2017. As part of his credo for building new post-cognitive psychology on an international and trans-cultural basis, he has been a visiting professor in many countries al over the World. Since 2017 he is a Foreign Member of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. He is currently also Professor of Cultural Psychology at Aalborg University in Denmark, and Visiting Professor, Federal University of Bahia, Brasil