Apply Now: Science Communication Program and Top-Citizen-Science Projects from the Austrian Science Fund FWF
We would like to draw your attention to the current application phase for two funding programs of the Austrian Science Fund FWF.
With the Science Communication Program, the FWF supports researchers who are leading or have led or work in an FWF-funded project and who carry out innovative projects in the field of science communication. The goal is to expand the dialogue between science and society, thus increasing society’s understanding of scientific principles and making research more tangible. The application deadline for grants of up to 100,000 euros per project is June 30th, 2023.
Detailed information on requirements/review criteria, duration, application submissions, and approval can be found here.
The second program Top-Citizen-Science promotes the involvement and participation of citizens in scientific projects. All scientists leading an FWF project in which citizen participation is enabled are eligible to apply. The application deadline for such extension projects to FWF funding up to 50,000 euros per application is May 31, 2023, 14:00 local time Vienna/Austria.
Detailed information on requirements, duration, amount, and application can be found here.