Information about info event for funding competition Tech4People 2023
The Vienna Business Agency invites you to an information event on its new research call Tech4People 2023. This research funding, with a start date of April 5th 2023, follows the motto: “Technology follows people, and not people follow technology”. With a funding volume of three million euros, the Vienna Business Agency wants to support projects in the field of industrial research and experimental development.
The information event offers the opportunity to learn more about the funding programme and its goals through presentations by selected speakers. In addition, the event functions as a networking event and is intended to contribute to new connections in research and business.
The venue is the Open Innovation Stage | weXelerate, Praterstraße 1, 1020 Vienna, where the event can also be followed via livestream. The event will begin on Thursday, 13th April 2023 at 2:00 pm.
The organiser kindly asks for (free) registration by 12th April 2023 and points out that seats are limited.
Further information as well as the possibility to register can be found here.