“Learning for Peace” is a new inspiring project, led by Dr. Erzsebet Fanni Toth at the Faculty of Psychotherapy Science. Funded by Erasmus+, the aim of this international cooperation is to understand and utilise discourses of traumatic past in education for avoiding conflicts in the future.
The project was kicked-off on 24th January 2023, where the cooperating institutions got to know each other’s research profile, negotiated possible working pathways and agreed on the venue, timing and list of participants of the upcoming workshops.
The first transnational event will take place on 23rd March, 2023 at SFU Vienna. It will host international experts from the field of psychotherapy science, psychology, social sciences and history, with a special focus on collecting and evaluating best practices and projects on trauma narration, processing and education. It will be followed by a multilingual facilitator’s platform and training in Slovakia, where trauma-informed guidelines will be developed and discussed with the involvement of educators from both the formal and the civic sector.
In case of questions on the project, do not hesitate to contact Dr. Erzsébet Fanni Tóth at erzsebet.toth@sfu.ac.at.